Online testing

Managers of successful companies know that properly choosen executives are gold fund and capital to the organization. But which qualities of a workerwill increase value in the business?

Thanks tothe use of leading edge technologies in the process of psychological evaluation of candidates, it is possible to fine tune the search and get an answer to this question, as an employee or a company. Diagnosis of meta-programs allows you to get high-quality (objectivity and reliability) assessment  of the quality of applicants fortheir biological predisposition to the profession or to a specific position.

Results are presented as such:

• Schedule of the individual parameters on the 9 leading Metaprograms

• A description of these indicators

• An indicator compatibility in percentagewith the position or profession,

The test was developed and approved by “TOT” in 1999, used by thousands of applicant and are validated by high reliabilityand validity of results. The company “TOT” is the exclusive copyright of the test “Test score of meta-programs.”

To make a test for a company as applicant  it is enough to have Internet access and the password that you can receivefrom the company.

The test can also be taken as independent individual. Results of the test will be given  after payment in any convenient manner.

For applicants under the contract with the organization (free of charge)

enter the password you received in your organization.

Пароль *

We offer individual users know:

• Indicators and personal description of meta-programs – 120 rubles

• Check compatibility with the chosen profession (occupation selected from the list) – 120 rubles for a combination of one profession

• Learn the profession with the highest coincidence your Metaprograms (out of the list of professions) – 200 rubles.

To the test